The History of CN
Early in 2002, I was asked to bring a Word of Mouth Marketing Course to Northwest Ohio. I figured it would be a nice addition to my already successful sales training business. Little did I know how complex the subject would be and how much it would take over my life. The sales training business got bumped to the side and the new business gained all my energy. As a result by the end of 2010, over 550 people had taken the course.
At the end of 2009, I realized that it was time to take the knowledge and expertise I had gained about Word of Mouth Marketing over seven years and produce an updated and evolved course. Several months later, a draft of the new course material was ready for piloting. The feedback from this first class was positive. What I found out was that writing the new manual would be easier than naming the new company, but finally after many, many attempts Connext Nation was born.
“Connecting You to Your Next Referral” – Debby Peters, Founder of Connext Nation
Debby Peters
Why I Do What I Do
Let me share my answer with you.
Early in my sales career, I was working for a company in Detroit along with 14 or 15 other sales people. I received no guaranteed salary, just commission when I sold something. It was very much a boiler room atmosphere with no territories and a lot of chaos. One sales person, John, was a man in his 60’s. For whatever reason he took me under his wing.
Let me take you back to the exact day this man made a huge difference in my life.
We are both working a booth at a trade show. I have just finished talking with a prospect and they are moving on. John, who overheard my conversation with the prospect, turned to me and said, “You know you’re good, really good. You are going to always be successful.” Immediately I began believing in myself 100%. And that’s why I do what I do today; training other business people to be the best at Word of Mouth marketing that they possibly can be. I want to be the person that positively affects the success of people. And I truly believe that like John, I am 100% effective.